Thursday 6 March 2014

Outing to Kota Tua!

So... this is my experiences.. Four days ago, at Thursday, February 27 2014,  we as a batch went to Kota Tua, North Jakarta. But, before we went there, we (the 7th & 8th graders) are divided into 8 groups which are Ms. Andam's group, Mr. Dado's group, Mr. Ma'ruf's group, Ms. Ratu's group, Mr. Aris's group, Mr. Hendra's group, Mr. Wawan's group, and Ms. Ita's group. We visited some Museum that are located there. Some of them are Museum Bank Indonesia and Museum Wayang. We got a lots of additional information about the history of Indonesia. We were asked to gather in the school at 6.30 a.m, and waited for everything to be prepared by the teachers until exactly 7.10, we started to begin our journey to Kota Tua. While we were on the way to Kota Tua, the teachers gave us some pop quizzes that we can answered. If we can answered, we can got some coupon that can be exchange in Ms. Ita's canteen.

.. Here you go!! We've arrived at Kota Tua at 9.45 a.m. After we arrived there, what first thing that we do is gather based on our groups, then we went inside the Museum of Bank Indonesia. The tour guide, tell us about the history of Indonesia. Then, we walked to Museum of Wayang, we watched a movie called Bima Berguru. After that, we (the 7th graders) were divided again into 2 groups, while the 8th graders went to another Museum. The guide told us all about the Museum from the oldest history to the youngest history.

After we have completed the worksheets, we got some time to play around the huge empty area.I found there were some Japanese, Korean, or Chinese people (I don't know what does they belong to), they were having their shooting at Kota Tua for a movie... Then, me and my 2 friends (Fiza and Nurul) decided to rent the bicycle. There was the time Fiza rode the bicycle and I'm as the passenger. After we got some round, we exchange... There began a very bad accident :( when I rode the bicycle, and Nurul as the passengers, we got 2 rounds and when we wanted to go for another round... "GUBBRRAAAKKKK" i fell down with Nurul. But, sorry, Nurul bounced off from the bicycle that I rode and I hold the bicycle that almost fell down to me :( Sorry my dear friend.. and at the same time also, much people laughed at me :D HAHAHAHAHA yeaa I know that's so funny.. Then, when my friends were eating their lunch, me and fiza got to rode a bicycle again for the 3rd time and we got some round. After we were cycling, we interviewed a human rocks that we (me and Fiza) found around that empty area. We went there and we asked some questions for completing the BI worksheet. We found out that she (the human rocks) not yet eaten their lunch, and we were not hungry enough. That's why we took our lunch ration for her.

After we had so much fun playing there, we took the last pictures of our batch and we went back to the buss, got to pray for Zuhur at 13.30 p.m. Then we back to bus and on the way school at 14.00 p.m. During our way to school,  the teachers gave us another pop quizzes and also the coupon (for those who can answered it). We arrived at 16.00 p.m. at the school. So I think that's all from me !! Hope to see you again next time Kota Tuaa!!! I swear I love you, I miss you, and I can't forget about these experiences so much yeayy!! :) <3

Monday 3 February 2014


Friendship is a relation between friend and friend without any feeling like each other, while Relationship is also a kind of friendship but relationship is usually between a boy and a girl, and they both have feeling each other. Relationship is now called as 'dating'. These days, most of teenagers are dating, and usually the boy
'shoot' the girl at first, than if the girl accept the boy, so it means that they got on date. But if the girl ignored the boy, so they're not dating.

Friendship is more to kindness, motivate each other, helping each other without asking for vengeance. Friendship is usually last longer than relationship. If in friendship usually after they're fighting or having problems each other, not a long time after that, they directly asking for forgiveness each other. I've once saw a writer wrote this quote: "Hold a true friend and don't let go for a true friend comes once in a lifetime." That's called by Friendship. They maintain their relation as a friend as much as possible, as long as possible.
Relationship is more to feelings between a boy and a girl, love, and off course dating. Relationship is a little bit different from friendship. The differences are if relationship is not last longer, they usually fight because of a love problem. If they both (the boy and the girl) doesn't forgive each other and keep having problems, they usually brake their relationship. Sometimes, someone said that  there's the season where people doesn't date each other.. do you know when is the season?? Guess what, maybe you guys just realized or maybe not even knew that tragedy... But one of the writer in Indonesia which is Raditya Dika, who wrotes Indonesian novel, once said it. So just go directly to the point ok.. The season is when, teenagers are having exams, tests, homework, and also when teenagers are having any other problems with other people... :) 

So there you go! Finally you guys can distinguish the meaning of FRIENDSHIP and RELATIONSHIP :) Hope you guys also can know the effects of doing those such thing! :) Bye guys! Wait for my next article !!

What is the true 'FRIENDSHIP'?

"Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they're always there."    
"Friendship are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget."

Have you ever heard that quotes? Well, I'm not quite sure who made it, but I've seen that long time ago... So do you know what is the meaning of "FRIENDSHIP"? Friendship is a blessing and a friend is a channel through whom great emotional, spiritual, and sometimes even physical blessings flow. Friends can cheer us when we’re sorrowful or depressed. Friends can challenge us when we allow ourselves to get beyond our reasonable boundaries. 

Some people say that it's important to have a friendship.. Well maybe it's because friends are the 2nd place of us to share our stories, they also can motivate us when we're ready to give in, they're the one that always help us whenever we are far from our parents and teachers, they can provide us when life falls apart, they are there when all is well, and we want someone with whom to share life’s pleasant and memorable moments. We often just want them around to have a good time, to laugh, to act silly, to enjoy some mutually liked activity. In how many ways have friends enriched our lives and made us feel loved, accepted, respected and cared for? Probably, too many to list, and the list grows daily. 

So from now please take care of your good friends who always accompany you whenever your parents and teachers are not beside you, please appreciate them like how they appreciate you, love them like how they love you, keep them safe from anything dangerous like when they're keeping you safe from any dangerous, and always be there for them whenever they also need help. Help each other, love each other, take care each other... So that is what we called as a TRUE FRIENDSHIP... :) I wish all of you can make your own friendship from now on :) 

True Love, 
Your Friend :)

Monday 20 January 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

Hi!  Haha, welcome to my blog..!!! It has been a long time for me I'm not opening my blog and update it :D I'm sorry guys :( So yeahh.. Welcome! and by the way, happy new year 2014!!, even though new year has been past for a few weeks ago, but it doesn't matter right? ok :) Just wait for the next post guys :)