Monday 3 February 2014


Friendship is a relation between friend and friend without any feeling like each other, while Relationship is also a kind of friendship but relationship is usually between a boy and a girl, and they both have feeling each other. Relationship is now called as 'dating'. These days, most of teenagers are dating, and usually the boy
'shoot' the girl at first, than if the girl accept the boy, so it means that they got on date. But if the girl ignored the boy, so they're not dating.

Friendship is more to kindness, motivate each other, helping each other without asking for vengeance. Friendship is usually last longer than relationship. If in friendship usually after they're fighting or having problems each other, not a long time after that, they directly asking for forgiveness each other. I've once saw a writer wrote this quote: "Hold a true friend and don't let go for a true friend comes once in a lifetime." That's called by Friendship. They maintain their relation as a friend as much as possible, as long as possible.
Relationship is more to feelings between a boy and a girl, love, and off course dating. Relationship is a little bit different from friendship. The differences are if relationship is not last longer, they usually fight because of a love problem. If they both (the boy and the girl) doesn't forgive each other and keep having problems, they usually brake their relationship. Sometimes, someone said that  there's the season where people doesn't date each other.. do you know when is the season?? Guess what, maybe you guys just realized or maybe not even knew that tragedy... But one of the writer in Indonesia which is Raditya Dika, who wrotes Indonesian novel, once said it. So just go directly to the point ok.. The season is when, teenagers are having exams, tests, homework, and also when teenagers are having any other problems with other people... :) 

So there you go! Finally you guys can distinguish the meaning of FRIENDSHIP and RELATIONSHIP :) Hope you guys also can know the effects of doing those such thing! :) Bye guys! Wait for my next article !!

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